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Baby seat for RCZ



Has anyone found a baby seat for the back seats of a RCZ?At the moment my granddaughter is 6months old so is in 1st car seat and goes in the front with air bag turned off but will soon need to go in 2nd stage car seat.I went to Halfords as I was told Recaro seat will fit but they said they werent happy with positioning of seat belt fastener which was allowing some movement of the seat.I dont really want her to be in front seat as next stage seat is forward facing, although this is legally OK,actualy thinking I might have to change my beloved RCZ,any suggestions?


There are seats advertised in the RCZ brochure but I imagine they'll be £££ s compared to the likes of Mothercare etc. Now I haven't got kids so I'm probably wrong here, but surely most seats will fix if they use the isofix points? I wouldn't relish the thought of trying to get a baby in and out of an RCZ though. I think if you search the forum this has maybe been discussed before and they're might be a few suggestions for you to try?


Will be interested in any helpful reply as well re car seat as we have just become grand parents and will be looking to doubt to purchase a seat shortly


Hi I did post a response earlier to another question on car seats, we have a britax, search the forum and have a look, it's got a link to Which testing


Would be keen to here other responses as I have a little one on the way and the RCZ is my only car :? . Prams in the boot shouldn't be a problem though and the although the getting in and out bit worries me a bit they way I see it is I've only got the car for 2 more years then I'll have to get someting crap, broing and practical :(


Oh that boring family car. Never had to go down that route. Continued enjoyment whilst it lasts. 30years of driving drudgery awaits.


Sorry you got the wrong car to carry grand children around in moving the electric seats back in forth in the rcz as it is a laborious task to move them :eusa-think:


Thanks for replies,Ive now discovered that there are 3 seats designed for the RCZ,a first seat from birth to 9 months and then 2 from 9kg to 36kg,one is fixed using the seatbelts and the other with the Isofix fittings,the website that came up was sgpetch.co.uk.Prices werent too bad either.


Don't know if you are aware or not but S G Petch are a Car Main Dealer in the North East they sell Arbarths here in York but are mainly further up north. They are a great honest family firm. Only mention it as if you was interested maybe you could call in and actually see the item that interests you


TeeP1303 said:
Thanks for replies,Ive now discovered that there are 3 seats designed for the RCZ,a first seat from birth to 9 months and then 2 from 9kg to 36kg,one is fixed using the seatbelts and the other with the Isofix fittings,the website that came up was sgpetch.co.uk.Prices werent too bad either.

Tee, I purchased the Britax duo plus for my 2.5 year old and it's perfect. Don't buy from Peugeot though, rip off. Best deal I got was from Halfords.


Hi ryanb,thanks for advice,had the Britax duo plus fitted this week at Halfords,felt a bit sorry for guy fitting it as he had a bit of a struggle due to lack of space in the back but its now in situ and is proving quite easy getting baby in&out so all is well,there was £70 off the seat at the moment as well!!cheers,Tee.


That's a good deal. The child will be very comfortable and the view seems very good too.


Question guys....

The new rules say the a new born 0/18 months should be facing the back seat so I wanted to check this is how you installed it ?

Also behind which seat did you put it (i.e. driver or passenger) ? Is it easy to get the baby in and out with bash his or her brains out (or mine lol)

Im only asking as we are due a little girl in June and I'm stuck with this car for at least 2 years yet.



OO58RON said:
philbuk said:
I'm stuck with this car for at least 2 years yet.
:eek: :evil:

:lol: That didn't come out right. I love this car and and if i have to struggle getting the baby in and out, bashing my head, climbing in and out the back like a contortion artist then I couldn't think of any other car I would want to have to do this in :) I know for a fact when I hand back the keys in 2 years it will bring a tear to my eye. Out of all the cars Ive ever own the RCZ is simply the best in looks, style, and enjoyment.

Now about that baby seat.......


philbuk said:
:lol: That didn't come out right. I love this car
Okay philbuck forgiveness has been granted :thumbup: please choose your words more carefully when discussing a RCZ. A lot of the forum members and this includes me, suffer from the RCZ syndrome :lol:


After a few weeks of research and a few trips to Motherare and Halfords I have the definitive answer on the baby seat issue.

It is NOT possible to fit an infant child carrier (Stage 0 / 0-9 months / reverse facing) on the back back seat. The main reasons are the back seats are to shallow and the front seat does not go forward enough to give enough room to put the seat back. For the infant child seat you need to place it reverse facing on the front passenger seat which fits fine but you need to deactivate the airbag.

Once baby is 9 months then it can go into a forward facing child seat (Stage 1,2,3 / 9mth-4yr / front facing) and this does fit on the back seats.

Alternatively you could buy a boring yet sensible family car :lol:


philbuk said:
Question guys....

The new rules say the a new born 0/18 months should be facing the back seat so I wanted to check this is how you installed it ?

Also behind which seat did you put it (i.e. driver or passenger) ? Is it easy to get the baby in and out with bash his or her brains out (or mine lol)

Im only asking as we are due a little girl in June and I'm stuck with this car for at least 2 years yet.


Hi there, how did you get on with your baby seat?

I'm due next Feb and just assumed that with the RCZ having an ISOFIX fitting you could get a baby car seat in the back? Tried one today and couldn't get it in the back even with the passenger seat pushed right forward :-( Any advise on which car seat you went for in the end would be gratefully appreciated :) thank you


philbuk said:
After a few weeks of research and a few trips to Motherare and Halfords I have the definitive answer on the baby seat issue.

It is NOT possible to fit an infant child carrier (Stage 0 / 0-9 months / reverse facing) on the back back seat. The main reasons are the back seats are to shallow and the front seat does not go forward enough to give enough room to put the seat back. For the infant child seat you need to place it reverse facing on the front passenger seat which fits fine but you need to deactivate the airbag.

Once baby is 9 months then it can go into a forward facing child seat (Stage 1,2,3 / 9mth-4yr / front facing) and this does fit on the back seats.

Alternatively you could buy a boring yet sensible family car :lol:

Sorry, if I'd have read on I'd have seen your other post. I thought that might be the answer. At least we know now. Love my RCZ - when we bought it didn't know I was going to get pregnant! We'll work around it.